wall hung toilet

Do you dislike how crowded your bathroom feels? Do you want to make the most of your available space and give it a more open feel? Toilets that hang from walls are the solution.

A wall-hung toilet: what is it?

A toilet that is wall-hung is one that is attached to the wall rather than the floor. Only the bowl is visible due to the toilet tank and bowl being hung above the floor. The toilet has a sleek and contemporary appearance because the tank is hidden behind the wall.

Wall-Hung Toilet Benefits


The biggest advantage of wall-hung toilets is how much space they save. Wall-hung toilets are more compact than traditional toilets since they do not require a large tank or pedestal. Even modest bathrooms may feel more expansive as a result of the bathroom’s increased sense of openness.

Simple to Clean

Traditional toilets are more difficult to clean than wall-hung toilets. No pedestal or base means there are fewer crevices for dust and filth to hide. Additionally, there are no difficult-to-clean spots thanks to the hidden tank.

Adjustable Height

Additionally, there are many height possibilities for wall-hung toilets. The height of the bowl can be altered to meet the demands of the user because it is suspended from the wall. Particularly those with impairments or mobility challenges will benefit from this.

Current aesthetic

Last but not least, wall-hung toilets have a contemporary, elegant design. The suspended bowl and hidden tank provide the bathroom a sleek, modern appearance that can improve the bathroom’s overall dĂ©cor.

Reasons to Think About Wall-Hung Toilets

Although wall-hung toilets have many advantages, there are a few things to bear in mind as well:


Because of their distinctive appearance, wall-hung toilets need to be installed by a specialist. The price of the toilet may increase as a result.


Due to its unique design and installation requirements, wall-hung toilets are typically more expensive than standard toilets.


Wall-hung toilets can be more challenging to maintain even though they are simpler to clean than standard toilets. It might be necessary to break open the wall to access the hidden tank if it has to be repaired.


If you want to modernize your bathroom, wall-hung toilets are a space-saving option. The advantages they provide in terms of space, cleanliness, and personalization make them a desirable investment for any bathroom renovation project, even though they can need professional installation and have a larger initial cost.